Digital Innovations: Enhancing Safety, Quality, and Authenticity Across the Agrifood Supply Chain

Consumers’ high demand for safe agrifood products in terms of hygiene, quality and authenticity coupled with agricultural technology, have resulted to significant changes towards the evolution of the agrifood industry domain. In the recent years, innovative tools based on cut-edge digital technologies including AI, big data analytics, computer vision, Decision Support Systems (DSS), RFID and IoT sensors have transformed the way agrifood products are monitored, verified, and delivered to consumers.

The current talk aims to present enabling technologies for minimizing agrifood hazards, and conflicting information regarding the origin and quality of agrifood products. Through employing the above-mentioned digital technologies, safety monitoring, transparency, traceability are achieved. The presented approaches represent a variety of different case studies from recent research projects with application to the field of agrifood electronics, including traceability software technologies in the form of DSS that integrates IoT tools for safety assessment in organic crops, prototype platforms for adulteration and origin detection in different Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) agrifood products through the effective combination of advanced spectroscopy and multi-modal fusion techniques and a smart system for predicting quality traits in superfoods.

The attained results in research projects carried out are going to be thoroughly discussed along with the relative challenges faced during the testing procedure and practical application of these novel technologies. Special requirements ranging from technical issues, such as devices/sensors communication, data storage requirements, device security, to those concerning consumer preferences and acceptance are going to be stressed as well. Attendees of the current talk are expected to gain several key insights related to innovative digital technologies in the agrifood sector, through understanding their contribution to the adoption of more sustainable solutions and the enhancement of decision-making regarding safety, quality and authenticity transparent, safe, and sustainable food systems.

Dr. Xanthoula Eirini Pantazi
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Dr. Xanthoula Eirini Pantazi


Xanthoula Eirini Pantazi is Assistant Professor at Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece. She holds a PhD in Biosystems Engineering and is an expert in bio-inspired computational systems and data mining. Her research interests include precision farming applications, plant stress detection, sensor fusion, big data analysis, machine learning, and non-destructive sensing of bio-material and crop protection. She has developed apps for FIWARE future Internet applications based on Neural Network applications. Her recent research interests consider bioinformatic applications in field phenotyping with autonomous platforms and application of active learning in a number of sectors from condition monitoring, crop status determination, weed species recognition as well as post-harvest quality determination and DSS development for controlling traceability and authentication in agrifood products. She is the main author of the research monograph book “Intelligent Data Mining and Fusion Systems in Agriculture” (ISBN: 9780128143919).