Final Paper Instructions

Preparation of the Camera-ready Paper

When the review process has been completed, authors receive notification of either acceptance or rejection of the paper. If the paper has been accepted, the authors can prepare a camera-ready paper that incorporates the reviewers’ suggestions.

The format for the final papers should follow the IEEE guidelines for the two-column IEEE-sponsored conference proceedings. The final paper should have a maximum of 5 pages (4+1), including one (1) extra page of references. The final paper should be submitted in PDF format. Do NOT include page numbers in your paper. Do NOT include copyright header/footer information.

IEEE is enforcing strict copyright rules. For your convenience, the copyright form is made available electronically through EasyChair.

IEEE PDF eXpress web tool

Since the Conference Proceedings are going to be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, the file containing the final version of the paper must be checked using the IEEE PDF eXpress web tool. PDF files not either checked by or approved by IEEE PDF eXpress are not eligible.
To generate the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file of your paper, follow these instructions:

    • Go to IEEE PDF eXpress® website to check or create your PDF file.
    • Insert the following Conference ID: 


    • Once you have a compliant PDF file, return to the Paper submission platform and upload your final submission.
    • Authors will have 15 minutes (12 for presentation and 3 for questions) to present their work.
    Authors of the accepted papers will receive further information regarding final version submission via email. Final version is due to July 29th.
    Note: Checking your PDF file for compliance and submitting your final paper for publication are two separate procedures. After using the IEEE PDF eXpress system for file compliance, MAKE SURE to return to the CAFE 2024 paper submission platform and upload your compliant final submission.

    If your paper is accepted for publication at CAFE2024, you will also need to adhere to the following requirements:
      • Copyright: IEEE policy requires you to file a copyright release for each accepted submission. Without a copyright release on file, your paper CANNOT be published. Further instructions will be included in your decision email.
      • Registration: At least one author per accepted submission must be registered at the full conference registration rate AND attend the conference to present their paper
        • There is a limit of TWO papers for each registration.
        • If you have a third or fourth paper, you will need to pay another full registration.