Paper Submission

Important Deadlines

All accepted papers will be featured in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Submissions should not exceed 5 pages (4+1), formatted according to IEEE’s two-column conference proceedings guidelines, using Microsoft Word or LaTeX.


Special Session




 Regular Papers Submissions


Final Paper

Submission Guidelines

All submissions for CAFE 2024 must be original work and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The submitted papers must be a maximum of 5 pages (4+1), including one (1) extra page of references, written in English, using Microsoft Word or LaTex, and formatted according to the IEEE guidelines for two-column IEEE-sponsored conference proceedings. Please use Microsoft Word or LaTeX for your submissions, with templates available here.

The conference will cover a broad range of topics including, but not limited to:

    • Precision Agriculture
    • IoT and AI Applications in Agriculture
    • Sustainable Agriculture Systems
    • Robotics in Agriculture
    • Advanced Sensor Technologies
    • Automation in Agriculture


Papers must comply with the following specifications:

    • PDF file MUST be IEEE Xplore compliant, use IEEE PDF EXPRESS to ensure compliance.
    • Paper Length: Maximum 5 pages (4 pages for technical content including text, figures, and references, + 1 additional page containing only references).
    • Paper Size: A4 (210mm X 297mm).
    • Fonts: Embed ALL fonts in your PDF file and avoid Type 3 fonts.
    • File Format: Adobe PDF (.pdf).
    • Allowed File Size: 5.0MB.
    • Do NOT page number your paper.
    • Do NOT apply security settings to your PDF file.

Note: Failure to adhere to these specifications could result in paper rejection.


Accepted papers must be checked on IEEE PDF eXpress before the final submission:

    1. Visit the IEEE PDF eXpress®.
    2. Use this conference ID:


    3. Upload your final submission PDF.
    4. Download the IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF.
    5. Submit the IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF to Paper submission platform by July 19th, 2024.

Presenting authors will have 15 minutes (12 for presentation and 3 for questions) for their presentation. 


    • Copyright: A copyright release is required for each accepted submission.
    • Registration: At least one author per accepted paper must register at the full conference rate and attend the conference to present the paper. A limit of two papers per registration applies.